In more than three years of work european scientists finally made future lighting technology ready to market. They developed flexible lighting foils that can be produced roll-to-roll — much like newspapers are printed. These devices pave the path towards cheaper solar cells and LED lighting panels. The project named TREASORES was lead by Empa scientist […]
अमृतसर के स्वर्ण मंदिर में जल्द ही सौर संयंत्र लगने जा रहा है, जिससे वहां हर समय गर्म पानी उपलब्ध होगा। इस पर तकरीबन 50 लाख रुपये की लागत आएगी।
Kolkata: The state has urged the industry sector to form a core group to carry out project-based research on solar power, waste-to-energy conversion and rainwater harvesting to address environmental concerns. State environment minister Sudarshan Ghosh Dastidar assured that the government will help in conducting these researches. Dastidar addressed industry representatives, green activists and other stakeholders […]
DEHRADUN: In an attempt to create new avenues of income and employment generation in the 10 hill districts in the state, chief minister Harish Rawat on Monday launched a first of its kind five kilowatt solar energy plant under the state-sponsored scheme — Suryouday Swarojgar Yojna — at CM’s official residence on New Cantt area. […]
Ranchi: The government is set to promote the use of clean energy by widening the ambit of the state solar power policy-2015 to include individual households. SKG Rahate, principal secretary of the energy department, said individual households will be encouraged to install rooftop power plants as per the solar power policy. “We are finetuning the […]